Radiant Self

A 21 day self-love journey to cultivate authentic confidence, self-worth and self-esteem in love so that you can attract and grow secure, healthy and deeply fulfilling relationships

– Intentionally create a loving, secure, and empowering relationship with yourself

– Cultivate authentic confidence, self-worth and self-esteem

– Secure your attachment style

– Invite deeper love, alignment, and emotional depth into your love life

Your journey awaits…


When you think about the relationships in your life, does the relationship with yourself spring to mind?

For the majority of us, the relationship with ourselves often takes a back seat and as women, it’s easy to say yes to everything and try to multitask our way to love and acceptance.

Take a look on the inside of Radiant Self

Step Inside The Radiant Self

A sneak peek of what you’ll access

Are you;

  • Prone to harsh self-criticism
  • Putting other people’s needs above your own
  • A perfectionist with ridiculously high expectations of yourself
  • Ignoring red flags in dating
  • Having difficulty setting boundaries
  • Constantly comparing yourself to others
  • Suffering from low self-esteem
  • Easily turning to self-blame when something doesn’t go the way you hoped
  • Often losing yourself in relationships

This lack of love for self can not only affect the relationship we have with others and the depth of love and emotional intimacy we are allowing ourselves to receive but also how we feel about ourselves at the core of our being.

So if you want to

  • Invite in and grow healthy love
  • Step into your personal power
  • Make better choices that serve you in love & life
  • Put yourself and your needs first
  • Honor your yes’s and no’s
  • Nurture your inner relationship with yourself
  • Boost your self-esteem
  • Create the new from a place of worthiness
  • Heal your not-enough-ness wound
  • Stand in your worth knowing you are lovable and enough
  • Create more inner peace
  • Embrace the uniqueness that makes you YOU

And you’re ready to step into the highest version of yourself and treat yourself like the queen you are.

Look no further…

Pssst, this is also the secret to naturally creating more love in our relationships too.

Because your relationship with yourself sets the tone for the relationships you have with others.

I am ready to claim this

What is self-love?

Self-love is not just about how you treat yourself, it is also about how you speak about yourself and how you feel about yourself.

“Imagine if you have to spend the next 60 years stuck in an unbreakable relationship. You have to go everywhere together, do everything together, and experience life’s every joy and pain together. Would you rather this be a person you love, someone who also loves you? Or would you rather it be a just-tolerable neighbor you’re stuck tolerating forever? Now the twist: This person is yourself.”

Jade Wu, Ph.D Phycologist and Author

So why do most of us find it so hard to truly embody this kind of loving relationship with ourselves?

Well, many people grow up assuming this kind of self-love is selfish.

If you grew up without any role models for self-love or had anyone talk to you about the importance of honoring yourself and being good to yourself, you might question its value.

I have seen firsthand how the lack of self-love leads women to neglect what is important to them simply because their inner blueprint paints a picture of un-deservingness.

This is why self-love is about giving to ourselves what we so freely give to others.

This journey goes way beyond taking action. It is about learning to receive yourself, wholeheartedly, from a place of unconditional love.

Sign me Up

About Asa Baav& My story with self love

My name is Asa Baav. As a dating and relationship coach, my whole mission is to empower women in love by first focusing on the most important relationship of all, their relationship with themselves as the key to forging true, deep connections with others.

8 years ago, at the top of my corporate career, I was killing it in life, I mean we are talking six-figure salary, flying in my career, yet setting around the world and living in central London with chandeliers in every room.

But, internally, it was a very different story. I was constantly beating myself up over never being enough. I was abandoning myself and my values to get ahead in my career, I lost myself in relationships out of the fear of abandonment so I did whatever I could to keep men (who didn’t meet any of my needs) and the truth was that I was feeling so much pain within myself that at one point I drank every day and eventually my body had started to shut down to the internal stress of keeping up appearances for others.

The truth was that the life I was living, was not the life I actually wanted to lead. But I never knew until I stopped to ask myself, what do I really want?

Through inner work, I learned that I had created a certain lifestyle in the hope that it would finally satisfy my inner feelings of no-enoughness, but it never did.

Not until I found what I had always been looking for, inner peace through the inner knowing that I was so deeply enough, always were, always will be by simply being me.

The best thing I ever did for myself was to cultivate a peaceful, happy, loving, and compassionate relationship with myself away from the external pressures to be everything to everyone.

Little by little I rebuilt myself from a place of total acceptance, love, and compassion for who I was, what I wanted, and what I needed – and the results, well they are beyond what I could even have imagined back then. But it is safe to say that I am living my life of the fullest authentic expression in all that I do which not only attracted my man who I am building my dream life with, but I also started my own company empowering hundreds of women in love in the last 5 years by first consciously creating their relationship with themselves.

And now I want to give you the foundations of doing the same.

If you are ready to invite more love into your life then now is the time to step inside.


Access Radiant Love for Only £29 (worth £249)

After these 21 days, you will feel empowered to;

– Go for what you REALLY want in love and in life (yes you deserve it ALL girl)

-Make choices that serve you and the love life you desire

-Set healthy boundaries

-Open your heart to receive the love you desire

-Attract men who appreciate you for who you are

-Build healthy and loving relationships 

-Experience deer depths of emotional connection with others

-Consciously create your love life from a place of knowing that you are so enough